I heard on the news this morning that the lawyer that got gay marriages recognized in Massachusetts is bringing suit against the federal government to recognize legal marriage by the states and provide equal benefits. (http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/03/us/03marriage.html?ref=us)

I support the suit.

Over the past six years I've had the honor of officiating five weddings in Texas.  I firmly believe that the ceremonies I performed had very little to do with the state.  Each was a social or religious agreement between two people to be together forever.  The state had no place there.

Where I believe the state has a place is in a separate, legal situation recognizing a contract between these same two people for the purpose of maintaining property, securing benefits, and situations dealing with children.  The state should be there to record that a contract exists between these people.  The state should *not* call it marriage.

In my magic world, the two events would be made separate.  If your faith allowed gay marriages; great!  If it didn't; great too!  Same for your state governments.  And the federal government . .  their job is to interfere with the states as little as possible.  If a state says that a legal contract exists . . then that is that.  Recognize baby!

The following excerpts are the main provisions of the Act:

Powers reserved to the states:

No State, territory, or possession of the United States, or Indian tribe, shall be required to give effect to any public act, record, or judicial proceeding of any other State, territory, possession, or tribe respecting a relationship between persons of the same sex that is treated as a marriage under the laws of such other State, territory, possession, or tribe, or a right or claim arising from such relationship.

Definition of 'marriage' and 'spouse':

In determining the meaning of any Act of Congress, or of any ruling, regulation, or interpretation of the various administrative bureaus and agencies of the United States, the word 'marriage' means only a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife, and the word 'spouse' refers only to a person of the opposite sex who is a husband or a wife.


The act itself: http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=104_cong_public_laws&docid=f:publ199.104



Comments (Page 18)
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on Mar 19, 2009

but they're NEVER depicted as female.

I have seen hundreds of pictures and statues of female-looking angels in my life. I am sure you must have too.

Technically the jews never depicted it period, because doing so is making an idol, jewish art was in shambles due to that idol rule, traditional jews do not have pictures of themselves family etc, every picture depicting a person or a being is an idol.

When the christians abandoned that tradition, there was a VERY brief period during which angels were depicted as male only... after which a ton of female angels began appearing.

on Mar 19, 2009


It has nothing to do with being focused on homosexuality.  You may want to read Leviticus Leauki where God says a man lying with a man is an abomination to God. 

"do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman, that is detestable."  Chap 18:22

Is that focusing on homosexuality too much?

Only if you therefor assume that the rest of the Bible is automatically also about homosexuality. It isn't.

But that's not even the point.

Where does the Bible say anything against civil unions between men?



A chapter after that quote it says to STONE TO DEATH any CHILD who disobeys his parents... have you ever disobeyed your parents as a child?

on Mar 19, 2009

Technically the jews never depicted it period, because doing so is making an idol, jewish art was in shambles due to that idol rule, traditional jews do not have pictures of themselves family etc, every picture depicting a person or a being is an idol.

Well, pictures of angels would have been to close to an idol, but other images did exist.

I don't know about Jews today not having pictures of themselves or family. But I wouldn't want to use the word "traditional" for those types. I usually refer to myself as "traditional" (masorti).


When the christians abandoned that tradition, there was a VERY brief period during which angels were depicted as male only... after which a ton of female angels began appearing.



on Mar 19, 2009

A chapter after that quote it says to STONE TO DEATH any CHILD who disobeys his parents... have you ever disobeyed your parents as a child?

In modern Britain children get stoned first and then disobey their parents.


on Mar 19, 2009

In modern Britain children get stoned first and then disobey their parents.


Ha, ha, ha, ....happens exactly the same way here too!

on Mar 19, 2009

A chapter after that quote it says to STONE TO DEATH any CHILD who disobeys his parents... have you ever disobeyed your parents as a child?

I've already gone into this at length before.  We don't give sacrifices either. Just know that this never happened.  First off in the Jewish culture the children had great respect for their parents.  Second of all this command was never repeated in the NT, (like  the prohibition of Homosexuality was) although it was reiterated that Children are to obey their parents because it's a command that comes with a promise. 

Beside all that the OT and especially what we read in the Law Book of Leviticus shows us the heart and mind of God.  God is revealing to us what is proper and not proper...like cursing the deaf or defrauding your neighbor or swearing or having sex outside of marriage.  He set up rules and boundaries...not to be a big mean dictator but as a loving parent who knew that by doing these things we either hurt ourselves or hurt another.  That's it.  It's not rocket Science.  God loves us and wants the best for us.  When we go outside his best for us, we get hurt.  That's where freewill comes in.  We are free to do what we do up to a point.  Sometimes God will take us out if he deems it necessary for the benefit of others or even as an example, like he did at Sodom. 

When the christians abandoned that tradition, there was a VERY brief period during which angels were depicted as male only... after which a ton of female angels began appearing.

interesting.  But I guess that makes sense.  We're seeing everything go from what used to be a male dominated culture to a feminist one.  Look around....look at all the female leaders coming into power.  My husband and I started noticing that even the TV shows were showing men being under the authority of women in top positions.  This runs counter to God's plan and is exactly what I would expect to happen during end of age belief. 

If the language of man can't accurately describe the language of God then something would have to get lost.

from what I understand very little.  Of course when you translate from one language to another there is going to be some hard to fit the exact wording but be assured that in this case, while there are some little things like that the main thought and understanding is definitely conveyed quite well.  That's why I say the inspired word of God is found in the original language but it does translate very well and has been translated in just about every language known to man.  The people in Romania are reading the same bible that I'm reading here and the Chinese are reading in China. 

But he was respected by those that followed him, would they have been as willing to follow a woman? Maybe but again I point the society as being a patriach.

well here I could point to the woman at the well in Samaria.  It says in John 4 that she went into town and spoke about this man Jesus she met at the well.  All the men of the town followed her to meet this man that knew everything about her. 

You believe that he existed and that's fine, I however do not.

Really?  Do you believe the holocaust happened?  I mean there's so much written about the Christ who walked this earth not only inside the scriptures but outside as well.  If he never lived where did all this come from?  Why did our whole world turn upside down in the first century?  Why did even our calendar change because of his birth?   What about the eyewitness accounts?  Were they all lying?  Josephus a first Century Historian (not a Christian) wrote about him.  Was he lying as well?

Jesus could have been female and it was the bias of man that wrote him as being a man since the new testament wasn't written down for a while after his death (assuming he lived at all).

first of all he did live.  Second, he did come as a male.  Two facts.  So let's start there.  Third the four gospels were written about two-three decades after his death.  They were eyewitness accounts so they weren't written like hundreds of years later.  In fact, the whole NT was written before the last Apostle died (and he wrote five of the books himself) in around 90 A.D. Remember Christ died about 34-34 A.D. 

that seems logical to me.

but it's not biblical and that's what I care about.  Our logic is not God's logic.  I mean would you have chosen the Savior of the world not only to come in as a baby but to die on a cross when he could have wiped everyone out with his breath alone? 



on Mar 19, 2009

I've already gone into this at length before.  We don't give sacrifices either. Just know that this never happened.

I know, but you are aruging the wrong issue here. It was never my point that religious people are dangerous murdering psycopathes as "proven" by the passage about stoning children. My point was that the bible shouldn't be taken literally, and that christians and jews don't take that passage about stoning children to death literally, but some decide to take the passage about gays literally.

on Mar 19, 2009

My point was that the bible shouldn't be taken literally, and that christians and jews don't take that passage about stoning children to death literally, but some decide to take the passage about gays literally.

and I say, especially being well acquainted with scripture that we should take it literally.  Who is right?  How acquainted are you with the scriptures?  How long have you studied them?  How much time invested? 

The passage you brought up was to be taken literally in the time it was given.  That's the point I was making about the sacrifices.  That was part of the Old Covenant.  In Genesis 1:1 it says...."in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."  That was the Old Covenant.

In John 1:1 it says "in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God." 

This is the beginning of the New Covenant.  The Old Covenant (Gen 1) brought in physical light.  The New Covenant (John 1) brought in spiritual light. 

Until you understand the two you will not understand what I am saying to you. 

As in the Old Covenant some things are repeated for our instruction and the abomination of homosexuality was one of these things.  This was not only repeated a few times in the New Testament it was one of the only prohibitions specifically transferred to the Gentiles in the book of Acts. 

The Christian Jews of the first century had lots of questions about the Gentiles coming into the faith. They were confused.  They wondered if the new Gentile Christians had to adopt the Jewish laws and customs such as circumcision etc.  They were told by the leaders (Apostles)  there were only two things the Gentiles had to follow  which was a big part of the Old Covenant.  One was to flee idolatry and the other to flee sexual immorality. 

Both were to be taken literally. 

on Mar 19, 2009

I believe they should; the debacle over whether should same-sex unions be legal is a joke. It really should not be an issue as far as i am concerned.


on Mar 19, 2009

When the christians abandoned that tradition, there was a VERY brief period during which angels were depicted as male only... after which a ton of female angels began appearing.

I have seen hundreds of pictures and statues of female-looking angels in my life. I am sure you must have too.

Taltimer #256

Technically the jews never depicted it period, because doing so is making an idol, jewish art was in shambles due to that idol rule,

What do you mean the Jews never depicted angels becasue it was an idol rule? Evidently you haven't read Exodus 25:18, where ALmighty God told the Jews to carve angels with wings spread?

What do you mean by saying "when the Christians abandoned that religion?"  When Christ died on the cross, the Temple veil was rent, and there was no more of "that religion" (meaning OT Hebraic Judaism) from that point on...by 70AD, the Temple was destroyed, and the Mosaic sacrifices, ceremonies and rites, the Aaronic priesthood, all were no more. Fini. So, consequently, how could the Christians abandon that tradition that was no longer there?

From what I can tell, in Scripture and Christianity, the angels only have male names, including the fallen one Lucifer.

For angels to be depicted as female is creative licence.



on Mar 20, 2009

and I say, especially being well acquainted with scripture that we should take it literally.

So the first time your children disobey you, you will stone them to death?

on Mar 20, 2009

well here I could point to the woman at the well in Samaria. It says in John 4 that she went into town and spoke about this man Jesus she met at the well. All the men of the town followed her to meet this man that knew everything about her.

But they were following here to meet a man.  If she had said the same thing about a woman would they have been as interested?  Maybe, we can't know for sure.

Really? Do you believe the holocaust happened? I mean there's so much written about the Christ who walked this earth not only inside the scriptures but outside as well. If he never lived where did all this come from? Why did our whole world turn upside down in the first century? Why did even our calendar change because of his birth? What about the eyewitness accounts? Were they all lying? Josephus a first Century Historian (not a Christian) wrote about him. Was he lying as well?

Yes I believe that the holocaust happened.  Most of the stories about Christ are either in the bible or are based on the bible.  Our calendar changed because the calendars were made by Christians and they chose to change them.  Even if he existed I don't believe he was the son of god because I don't believe in god, I'm agnostic.

Third the four gospels were written about two-three decades after his death. They were eyewitness accounts so they weren't written like hundreds of years later.

And you think that something that was written 30 years after his death was going to get everything 100% accurate?  You don't think they might embellish some things a bit to make his story seem more important than it was?

but it's not biblical and that's what I care about. Our logic is not God's logic.

Again I don't believe in god.  I believe in logic and reason based on observable and testable facts.  Try as you might I am never going to buy the stories in the bible.  If you choose to that's fine I will never try to tell you that you don't have that right.


on Mar 20, 2009

Again I don't believe in god. I believe in logic and reason based on observable and testable facts. Try as you might I am never going to buy the stories in the bible. If you choose to that's fine I will never try to tell you that you don't have that right.

I believe in God and logic.  The two are not at all mutually exclusive.  I think it's completely logical to believe in God.  I think it's illogical not to.  When I discuss evolution or creation with non believers it always amazes me that we are even having this discussion because they are arguing from a point (illogical) that has already been scientifically disproven.  That is,  that something can come from nothing.  So the question is where did all this come from if there were no God?  It's quite logical to believe that there has to be something outside of us and this universe that got things rolling.  It's illogical to think otherwise.

Now having said that.....I understand the mechanics behind why you don't believe and I believe you are being totally honest in your comments and belief.  All I would say to you as an agnostic, is not to be totally shut off from the idea.....and explore the possibilty that there could be a god. Actually an agnostic says he can't know for sure.   I've known other strong agnostics who have come to belief in God and they are amazed at where they are today.   

And you think that something that was written 30 years after his death was going to get everything 100% accurate? You don't think they might embellish some things a bit to make his story seem more important than it was?

yes but only because I believe they were inspired by the leading of the Holy Spirit.  Before Jesus left he told them he was sending the Holy Spirit so that all these things would come into their rememberance.  And look at the gospels you'll see they were written by four men and they mesh perfectly.   If you, Lula, Talamir and I witnessed an accident I doubt the four of us would have been able to have our stories match as well as these four did and they wrote about an entire 3 1/2 year period.  On top of that you can see their personalities in the writings but it was God who inspired them to write. 

It's like us when we use pens to write a story.  We might use a red pen, a blue pen, a green pen but they are all coming from one author but yet we can see the diff colors used. 

Beside if they were going to embellish details all of the writers in both OT and NT could have done a much better job of cleaning up the depraved humanity we see in these pages.  We wouldn't have read about David's adultery and murder of his soldier.  We wouldn't have read about Peter's impulsiveness and betrayal (the book of Mark was written thru Peter's eyes).  Or the fact that Christ or Paul both reprimanded him on two diff occasions. We wouldn't have read about how John and James' mother was so pushy she was trying to get her sons into a prominent position when they entered the Kingdom.  We wouldn't have read about Thomas who doubted that Christ really was resurrected from the dead.  Nope....none of this (and loads more) would never have been written if it were up to human authors trying to clean or embellish things up a bit. 

Even if he existed I don't believe he was the son of god because I don't believe in god, I'm agnostic.

El-D this is a better answer actually.  I can agree with you that you don't believe in God because you're an agnostic.  Or even that you doubt he was the son of God.   What I can't agree with you is that Jesus never existed.  It's like saying the Holocaust never existed.  Do you believe Buddah existed?  Mohummed?  If so, why not Christ. 

and please forgive me El-D but one more question....do you know why you believe this way?  Have you ever thought about it?

So the first time your children disobey you, you will stone them to death?

Did you not read what I wrote in 263?  The answer is right there.


on Mar 20, 2009

I think it's illogical not to.

Ockam's razor would disagree with you.

When I discuss evolution or creation with non believers it always amazes me that we are even having this discussion because they are arguing from a point (illogical) that has already been scientifically disproven. That is, that something can come from nothing.

Anyone who is arguing that evolution explains how everything got here obviously doesn't understand evolution.  Evolution describes a process where mutations at a genetic level make something more or less likely to survive long enough to pass on that trait to future generations.  It doesn't explain how the universe came into being, it doesn't explain how the earth came to be what it is, it only describes how life evolved from single celled organisms into what we know today.  Now for those that believe in god I would say that God could have set the whole evolutionary process in motion.  Those that believe in full on creationism in that god created every living thing on earth however is where evolution diverges significantly.

It's quite logical to believe that there has to be something outside of us and this universe that got things rolling.

Just because I don't believe in your god doesn't mean that I don't believe in the possibility of some sort of "higher" power(s) out there.  As an agnostic I certainly believe it's possible I just don't believe that it was a single god necessarily.

All I would say to you as an agnostic, is not to be totally shut off from the idea.....and explore the possibilty that there could be a god.

As I have just said I'm not completely shut off to the possiblity, I just don't buy the bible as "proof" of god.

Jesus left he told them he was sending the Holy Spirit so that all these things would come into their rememberance.

And how do you know this to be?  Because the bible says so.  But how do you know that the bible is correct?  Because the bible is the word of god.  But how do you know the bible is the word of god?  Because the bible says so.  But how do you know the bible is correct?.....  Circular logic.

If you, Lula, Talamir and I witnessed an accident I doubt the four of us would have been able to have our stories match as well as these four did

If we were all writing them in the same room and were able to check with others to see if our recollection was correct I would.

We wouldn't have read about David's adultery and murder of his soldier. We wouldn't have read about Peter's impulsiveness and betrayal (the book of Mark was written thru Peter's eyes).

Sure you would because they add to the story.  Part of the reason that you believe is because of the bible as a whole.  If those stories about depravity weren't in there then Jesus wouldn't have seemed as important a character.  You need to have evil to appreciate the good.  So if you didn't have some sort of frame of reference to use as a measuring stick then Jesus would have seemed like just a man, but because of the depravity of the others in the story he seems like more than a man.

We wouldn't have read about Thomas who doubted that Christ really was resurrected from the dead.

You don't see how Thomas is supposed to represent people like myself who are skeptical of the religion?  He was a character that was used as a way to hopefully convince people of how truthful the story was because there was a doubting character who was convinced of its truth those who were a little skeptical might be convinced as well.

and please forgive me El-D but one more question....do you know why you believe this way? Have you ever thought about it?

yep.  I've detailed some of it here.

on Mar 20, 2009

As I have just said I'm not completely shut off to the possiblity, I just don't buy the bible as "proof" of god.

well you said you "would never believe the bible" and since we as Christians believe the bible is God's revelation to mankind I was just seeing you shut off that possiblility because the two are linked.   Which leads to another question...."why are you completely shut off to the possibility that the bible could very well be relevant or inspired especially since none of it has been proven untrue?  Why do you think you are more apt to believe (what we would call a lie) what certain others say about the bible but not people like me?   Especially since no book has affected so many lives over such a long period of time. 

If we were all writing them in the same room and were able to check with others to see if our recollection was correct I would.

who said the four gospel writers checked around with each other?  That's an assumption. 

Sure you would because they add to the story. Part of the reason that you believe is because of the bible as a whole. If those stories about depravity weren't in there then Jesus wouldn't have seemed as important a character. You need to have evil to appreciate the good. So if you didn't have some sort of frame of reference to use as a measuring stick then Jesus would have seemed like just a man, but because of the depravity of the others in the story he seems like more than a man.

not quite because Jesus didn't come on the scene until as much as two thousand years after many of these characters were already written about and chronicled.  There was no perfect man for them to measure against until Christ came aboard which wasn't until the first century.  The OT scriptures were written by a variety of diff authors over a period of many many years and not compiled until about 400 years or so before Christ even showed up when the Jews put all the books together.  The bible wasn't the bible until many years down the road well, after the first century.  The bible is a collection of diff books and letters authenticated and deemed inspirational by the early church fathers. 

Nice try tho.  Jesus is our plumbline and you got that right.  Even got you admitting he was not like mere man....LOL.  See deep down in your conscience you know.......which is a bible truth btw. 

yep. I've detailed some of it here.

I guessed I missed it.  Can you enlighten me? 

You don't see how Thomas is supposed to represent people like myself who are skeptical of the religion?

every personality is depicted in scripture.  Every personality is represented.  Another interesting facet of the bible. 


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