I've seen a number of posts and a heard a number of radio comments that suggests that the Republican Party needs to change. I believe that in the past election they failed to have a platform and a communications plan to convince the people who they are, how they represent the people, and what what they stand for.
I've hear folks saying that the party needs to become more centrist if they want to win future elections.
But how can they still be Republicans if they go too much the the center? At that point they are the Centrist party.
I think the message should be short and sweet:
- We will protect our borders from foreign invasion
- We will have less Federal government in your lives
- You can succeed or fail on your own
- We will provide a Flat tax or Fair tax
- We are all created equal we should share the burden equally
You can read the current platform here: http://www.gop.com/2008Platform/
What do you think needs to change? Platform? Communication plan? More to the right? More to the center? More towards stict contitution?