The Master skinners at Wincustomize are a special breed of people. They done the time here. They skin, they mentor, they skin some more.
So I'm going to try to suck them dry of anything and everything they know. I want you, the community to send me your questions. I'll collect them, pick out a couple, and try to collect answers to post here.
No question is too big or small; too general or specific. It can target one master (but I'll probably open it up too many if I can) or one application. You wnat to know how they started skinning, what's their favorit skin, how do they start a visual style, what apps do they use; ask and see what happens.
There are lots of questions I've wanted to ask of all these guys and gals at once. In a perfect world I'd get them all at SD HQ and fire up a camera.
Having said all that . . . I don't know If I can pull this off. I'll try if you will. Send your questions to and we'll see what happens.
I think that the Masters will buy into this. I think the community will too.
Wish us luck