I have three events on my calendar that have lasted through many event purges; my wife's birthday, our anniversary, and joining this place.
It is still the most friendly group of internet denizens around.
15 years.
Just think you are already older now since you posted this.
Another decade-&-a-halfer agrees, Zubaz.
Well, you got me beat Zu, only 14 years here, still hard to believe though. But no wife or anniversary here at least!
Ten years and eight months. A long ways to go to get your annual shot of insanity.
Another month and a half it will be 15 years for me. I think it's the longest I've been apart of something. I've seen this community grow and dwindle (meaning the large number of skinners that were here are now gone). Hmm... I wonder what the future will behold.
I'm the lowest-numbered 'non-Stardockian officed' person still here...having joined the day before the official launch. The first 20 numbers were SD-reserved.
Doreen was '21' and 'Buzz-Hog' was '22' [I think]...
[and I got ya by 8 months].
15 years is a long time for anything, especially a Trouble-shooter (with a capital "T" ). Respect and congratulations to you, Sir!
Congratulations ZubaZ!!! I've noticed something... your spelling has improved!!
15 yrs, 1 month here..
12 years +/- a month or 2. From joining as PuterDudeJim. My RND info isn't accurate as my actual join date.
Thanks Aaron, for poking and prodding, for convincing me that being here was worthwhile. For giving me faith in myself. You have been quite an ispiration over the years, and I might have given up, if not for you.
I know we've had a few "differences", but then, we all know I'm an asshole...lol.
Congrats, and thanks for all you do.
Happy Anniversary!