What sorts of features would you like to see in the 4.x series?

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on Apr 28, 2009

I'm still watching this thread.  Thanks for all the feedback.

on Apr 28, 2009

I've managed to find the draft document I did many a moon ago. Obviously it's not up to date but I think most would still be valid. You can see the article here

Wow. And that was five years ago.

I ran into the CUI thing with one of your weather widgets; it seemed like a good idea, but I had no idea how to implement it. The document makes a lot of sense. As was stated in the old thread, CUI and AOI would definitely need a prompt, so the users can fill in the information easily. In your document you stated the CUI file should come with DX, which is a good idea, but what if exporting as a gadget? The file would need to be included with the final product since the targeted end-users would likely not have DX on their PC. If we were to have standard DX weather templates, for example,  I'd imagine that would require a way to query whether or not the final creation was a gadget or widget so the script would know where to grab the CUI file from.

Most of us would rather see some new creativity within DesktopX, rather than a rehash of the same old objects as we've had (in the main) for the last 5 years. If it requires a more "simplistic" interface to bring some new blood and new ideas into the DesktopX community then I'm all for it.

Yup. Having both accessibility and new tools would be ideal, but I strongly believe accessibility is key to any further success with DesktopX otherwise most people just won't "get it" and it will remain a niche program.

We need support from Stardock, otherwise a future change could render all this work obsolete. We need positive involvement from all parties and a critical mass of users to adopt a "standard" otherwise there is no chance it will work.

Amen. Unless these templates, standards, and what-not are included with future versions of DX, there is no way the majority of users will know about them much less capitalize on them. Which is why the Wiki isn't working, the dozens of tutorials aren't reaching everyone, and the template/example widgets in the galleries majorly go unseen, unused.

We need maximum exposure. As it is, DX relies too much on the community for this. You can't expect the forums or galleries on WC to be the first stop for a new user looking for a headstart on using DX. I know I first looked in the Tutorial folder included with DX, at all the widgets included, and then in the User's Guide. If we're hoping to have any impact whatsoever in getting new users started with DX, this is where our efforts must be concentrated--within DX.

Reading over this thread, it all boils down to accessibility and power. Some would like more tools, more functions, more power. Others would just like for it to be easier to use.

Much more experienced DXers than I would know more about the kinds of powerful new functions DX needs, so accessibility and ease of use is my main focus with DX. It seems to me the root of this is in the interface. Think of any program and its interface is generally where you would gain access to all its functions--everything in plain view and a few clicks a way. DX has NO interface. It has a systray icon, r-click menus, properties windows, properties windows within properties windows, tabs, and tabs within tabs. DesktopX is a great program, quite revolutionary in my humble opinion, but it is time for reboot. While the concept of using nothing but the desktop (and individual properties windows) as the work environment has its perks, it falls short on so many levels. Such as the central/visual editor several people in this thread expressed a desire for. Such as having grids, guidlines, etc. Such as having a quick-creation object pallette.

DX already does a whole helluva lot; the problem is a whole helluva lot of people don't know how to make it do what it does.The only limitation should be the user's imagination, and not the complicated, frustrating process of realizing his or her idea. Give the user quick access to the tools at their disposal, and you simplify the creation process. Simplify the creation process, and you free up the user's time to learn new tricks and actually get creative.

An intuitive user interface seems like the most logical solution to the lack of accessibility, and I think Stardock should strongly consider implementing any new aids in this format. DX does not have to become an inside-the-box program but it does need a more developmentally-friendly environment. I think a set of DX Builder widgets, or one super-console with access to all the developer tools/aids mentioned here could be a step in the right direction.

I seem to be repeating myself.   Ima shut up now and get back to work.

on Apr 28, 2009

I think the biggest question here is... what will help SD sell more copies of DX and DX PRO?

on Apr 28, 2009

I think the biggest question here is... what will help SD sell more copies of DX and DX PRO?


Bring it out soon and I will Buy pro. been waiting forever.

on Apr 28, 2009

I think the biggest question here is... what will help SD sell more copies of DX and DX PRO?
Agreed.  Finding a market and an audience for DX is hard.  Gadgets have not caught on like Apple, Yahoo, and MS thought they would.

Who is going to buy DX and why?  What can we (Stardock generally, and me specifically) do to make some sales.  I love the app and want to see it be a flagship like WB.

on Apr 28, 2009

I love the app and want to see it be a flagship like WB.

 I'll second that!!! 

I wish I had the knowledge of Martin, sViz, and PomanDa, and littleboy....I would be a DX God!!!   Muaaahhhhhaaha!

on Apr 28, 2009

I'm probably going to kick myself for saying this but......

Purchasable script packs would a nice add-on. For instance - scripts that could be used to create a gadget - where the design would be the larger focus of the creator. This would give a motive to the devs to create scripts and script packs which wouldn't only sell themselves, but would help to sell the main product (DX/DXPRO) while offering profound improvements to the program for those who desire it. (Read *me*) Protection measures could be put in place to hide parts of the script so that they are not shared illegally with others. One could even create DX gadgets who's only purpose is to create other DX gadgets.

One idea for a script pack (if the idea is ever used), would be scripts that website owners could use to give to their users as brand-able gifts. Maybe some API implementations for things like YouTube, or Facebook etc. would be one way to implement the idea. This could get a lot of people interested. Not just website owners, but bloggers and other pseudo site operator types as well. There are a million ideas and it could be a way for devs to make more money for Stardock, as well as members - say "Master Scripters".

It could significantly broaden the author base of DX as long as the scripts are well documented, or "plug & play". It would be a great selling point for DesktopX/DesktopX Pro IMHO. The nice thing is that people wouldn't expect to get them for free as many do for skins. They would expect to pay for it, and they would like to do so because of the extra functionality that the extra money achieves.

I hope I've articulated this correctly. I know what I see in my minds-eye. I hope it translates well to those who could actually make it happen.



on Apr 29, 2009

Self resizing themes.

Low cpu and memory use when using large widgets or large no of widgets.

More random scripts and plugins.



What would you like to see in DesktopX 4.x?


on Apr 29, 2009

I'm probably going to kick myself for saying this but......

Or I could do it for you....lol.    

on Apr 29, 2009

hee hee

on Apr 29, 2009
What can we (Stardock generally, and me specifically) do to make some sales.
Well personally, I think Stardock is missing out on a massive opportunity in the education market. I'm not sure what is taught in schools these days, but it strikes me that DesktopX would be a perfectly good introduction to programming for young kids.

You can do really powerful stuff relatively simply and introduce a large number of design and programming principles.

The widget principle is ideal for converting into "projects" and kids would feel that they were doing their own things, by choosing the newsfeeds they want etc.

My daughter is only 3, but give it a couple of years and I will be teaching her how to program using DX.

Purchasable script packs would a nice add-on ... it could be a way for devs to make more money for Stardock, as well as members - say "Master Scripters".
I think that the boat has maybe been missed on this. DesktopGadgets.com was dropped relatively quickly, probably because developers weren't happy with the large commissions required by Stardock. Currently the only way to "sell" DX content here is as a Master Skinner. I enquired when lauching DeskNotes (Link). However, I was told that before I would be allowed to become a Master Skinner I would have to create some more recent DX content. Sorry, but I think I've paid my dues on that front, and was quite offended to be honest. If a gadget is good enough for sale then it shouldn't matter who makes it. I agree, we don't want a plethora of $2 weather gadgets, but then why not set the standards high! As it is I built in eSellerate functionality into my Gadget and pay them 11.9% which is a lot less than Stardock wanted. If anyone wants eSellerate scripts in the "template library" should it appear I'd be happy to help.

Having said that, is the market there? I launched DeskNotes over a week ago and it's had less than 300 downloads and 2 registrations. Now I've had nearly nearly a million downloads of my stuff over time, and if I'd launched this a few years ago then I'd have expected at least 10 times that by now.

Don't get me wrong - I don't want downloads like some people gather Facebook friends; for the sake of ego - it's simply a reflection of interest.

If Stardock isn't interested in developing DesktopX and the "community" isn't there then maybe we are all just wasting our time? Maybe the time is right to disappear again, and spend the next year developing some "projects" for my daughter and her school. Maybe there will be a chance with the next generation!
on Apr 29, 2009


So are you suggesting that people do a lot of work on your behalf, in the hope that people will care enough to use what they spend a lot of time creating? We need support from Stardock, otherwise a future change could render all this work obsolete. We need positive involvement from all parties and a critical mass of users to adopt a "standard" otherwise there is no chance it will work. As per my previous post, suggesting such standards got positive feedback previously but despite the work put in, most people now are totally unaware of it. Now, maybe if this had Stardock support previously, then by now we wouldn't even be discussing this. I'm not saying that is definitely the case, but it would have had a better chance!

whoa whoa whats with all the hatin'
I really don't need any templates for myself. Also I did say they would require a green light by stardock - by which I meant they should talk to SD and get some guidelines and then go about making a template pack which couldn't be rendered absolete by new dx version since SD would know what's going on with that project. Basically all I said is that SD shouldn't spend time that could be used to fix bugs and add new features, on something that could be done by some community members. Heck if you guys will have me I'd gladly whip some templates (I am about to release a few things shortly so my skill level will be easily determined by more experienced users).

Also, I second this:


What would you like to see in DesktopX 4.x?

on Apr 29, 2009

I was told that before I would be allowed to become a Master Skinner I would have to create some more recent DX content. Sorry, but I think I've paid my dues on that front, and was quite offended to be honest.

It's things like these that sometimes make me very angry here. Way to tread people that have been here for so long. And even considering what You personally have done for DX. Nearly everyone ist still using Your scripts...

on Apr 29, 2009
whoa whoa whats with all the hatin'
Sorry I was thinking that you were referring to us making all the tools to access the templates and manage them My choice of words could have been more subtle! This is something that whilst I/we could create, they would be much better built into DesktopX. However, if we don't get progress on this I may develop it for my own use, and then if anyone wants it I will make it available. However the is definitely not the option of choice.

And even considering what You personally have done for DX. Nearly everyone ist still using Your scripts...
Thanks Calle, you're too kind.
on Apr 29, 2009

Currently the only way to "sell" DX content here is as a Master Skinner. I enquired when lauching DeskNotes (Link). However, I was told that before I would be allowed to become a Master Skinner I would have to create some more recent DX content. Sorry, but I think I've paid my dues on that front, and was quite offended to be honest

It's things like these that sometimes make me very angry here. Way to tread people that have been here for so long. And even considering what You personally have done for DX. Nearly everyone ist still using Your scripts...

I agree - that is a travesty.

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