I heard on the news this morning that the lawyer that got gay marriages recognized in Massachusetts is bringing suit against the federal government to recognize legal marriage by the states and provide equal benefits. (http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/03/us/03marriage.html?ref=us)

I support the suit.

Over the past six years I've had the honor of officiating five weddings in Texas.  I firmly believe that the ceremonies I performed had very little to do with the state.  Each was a social or religious agreement between two people to be together forever.  The state had no place there.

Where I believe the state has a place is in a separate, legal situation recognizing a contract between these same two people for the purpose of maintaining property, securing benefits, and situations dealing with children.  The state should be there to record that a contract exists between these people.  The state should *not* call it marriage.

In my magic world, the two events would be made separate.  If your faith allowed gay marriages; great!  If it didn't; great too!  Same for your state governments.  And the federal government . .  their job is to interfere with the states as little as possible.  If a state says that a legal contract exists . . then that is that.  Recognize baby!

The following excerpts are the main provisions of the Act:

Powers reserved to the states:

No State, territory, or possession of the United States, or Indian tribe, shall be required to give effect to any public act, record, or judicial proceeding of any other State, territory, possession, or tribe respecting a relationship between persons of the same sex that is treated as a marriage under the laws of such other State, territory, possession, or tribe, or a right or claim arising from such relationship.

Definition of 'marriage' and 'spouse':

In determining the meaning of any Act of Congress, or of any ruling, regulation, or interpretation of the various administrative bureaus and agencies of the United States, the word 'marriage' means only a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife, and the word 'spouse' refers only to a person of the opposite sex who is a husband or a wife.


The act itself: http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=104_cong_public_laws&docid=f:publ199.104



Comments (Page 7)
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on Mar 06, 2009

I stand by what I say.

The story of Sodom and Gamora doesn't mention sex, hence you have to read sex into it.

I am just not of the mindset to read "to know" as "have sex with" when both subject and object of the word are men.

We can leave it at that. I am, when it comes down to it, a literalist, and KFC and Lula tend to interpret more and read metaphors into the text. I don't know who is right, but I prefer a religion in which hospitality is regarded as more of a virtue than homosexuality is regarded as a sin.


on Mar 06, 2009

Well, I for one support gay marriage.  God wiping out Sodom and Gamora? Fairy tales.  Satan? Fairy tales.  Gay marriage destroying civilization as we know it?  Utter lunacy.  I usually keep my atheist thoughts to myself.  But when some on this thread post their religious dogma as infallable fact, well... it just comes out.  Apologies to Zubaz if this post causes unnedded contention in your thread.

on Mar 06, 2009

Apologies to Zubaz if this post causes unnedded contention in your thread.
No apologies needed.  Without a belief in a god, many things can appear more clear (or clear-cut).

When you take away dogma and disgust and just being "different", same-sex couples aren't that different from what we have now.

on Mar 06, 2009

God wiping out Sodom and Gamora? Fairy tales. 

No, ancient legend.


Satan? Fairy tales. 



Gay marriage destroying civilization as we know it?  Utter lunacy. 



I usually keep my atheist thoughts to myself.

No, you don't. You make it very clear that you are arguing from the assumption that there is no god and that hence we have to figure this out ourselves. The problem with that position is that it won't prevent us from figuring out that gay marriage is wrong and that all gays should be executed immediately.

The belief in a loving god reminds us that we cannot just do to others whatever we have the power to do to them.


on Mar 06, 2009


sorry for being a bit late... but sodom and gemorrah? come on people, you have to be retarded to think this was about homosexuality... God wasn't even gonna do anything until after they tried to gang rape a pair of angels (who also happened to be guests, I guess rape is against the laws of hospitality)

So now the argument is that the sin here in Genesis is not homosexuality per se, but rape..violence forcing sexual activity. Could be for don't the men after being rebuffed by Lot fully intend to brutilize Lot's guests? Bottom line is they were homosexuals who wanted sex with Lot's visitors.


I stand by what I say.

The story of Sodom and Gamora doesn't mention sex, hence you have to read sex into it.

I am just not of the mindset to read "to know" as "have sex with" when both subject and object of the word are men.

That they wanted "to know" means they were after sex becasue Lot immediately offered his daughters to the men (itself a disgraceful act), which would otherwise be inexplicable.

Lula tend to interpret more and read metaphors into the text.

While Scripture is filled with metaphors, this story in Genesis when read in its full context is not a metaphor. It tells of God's judgment and should be a lesson to us.

Those who interpret Genesis and see the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah as one of inhospitality rather than of homosexuality are looking at it through smoke and mirrors. Sodom and Gomorrah weren't destroyed for inhospitality. This is typical way of explaining away of an embarrassing biblical passage to fit the modern homosexualist, hedonist agenda.  




on Mar 06, 2009

That they wanted "to know" means they were after sex becasue Lot immediately offered his daughters to the men (itself a disgraceful act), which would otherwise be inexplicable.

It is inexplicable to Europeans, not to middle-easteners. Back in the day women were considered property. Judaism changed that, but it was the standard way. (That's why a man could "marry" several women but not vice versa.)

I disagree with your reading that "to know" means "to have sex with" in a context where both subject and object are men. Offering daughters (aka property) was an acceptable way to deal with what would have been a breach of hospitality if it had been allowed to happen. It's disgraceful, certainly, but only according to Jewish standards, not by the standards of the Canaanite and Aramaean tribes (including Lot, an Aramaean who had crossed over the Jordan river) that lived in Sodom back then.


While Scripture is filled with metaphors, this story in Genesis when read in its full context is not a metaphor. It tells of God's judgment and should be a lesson to us.

It's not a metaphor, as you say. It doesn't mention sex and it's not a metaphor for sex.


Those who interpret Genesis and see the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah as one of inhospitality rather than of homosexuality are looking at it through smoke and mirrors. Sodom and Gomorrah weren't destroyed for inhospitality. This is typical way of explaining away of an embarrassing biblical passage to fit the modern homosexualist, hedonist agenda.  

Can you explain in detail please how the Talmudists of the second century and Rabbi Nachmanides of the 13th century were influenced by or hoping to advance the "modern homosexualist, hedonist agenda"?




on Mar 06, 2009

VarekRaith posts:

Gay marriage destroying civilization as we know it? Utter lunacy. I usually keep my atheist thoughts to myself. But when some on this thread post their religious dogma as infallable fact, well... it just comes out.

As far as infallible...there is only one truth and truth is in possession. On the question of whether or not homosexual "marriage" destroys civilizations, I believe it does and you believe it doesn't. Only one of us has the truth.



on Mar 06, 2009

there is only one truth

And may I ask you one question...

Who has that one truth?

1. G-d, the Creator of the world Who refrains from giving us proof for even His existence let alone the exact mechanism of His doing.

2. You.


on Mar 06, 2009

The Jews well understood "abomination" as a commom way of referring to sexual sin like sodomy. Lev. 18:22.

Leviticus refers a lot of things as abominations, not just homosexuality.  It claims that eating shellfish is an abomination for example.

Yes to all three questions. And since God comdemns homosexuality, we therefore must do the same unless we want unhappiness and chaos.

But the government is supposed to be secular in nature.  Once you start involving government in religion (and vice versa) bad things start happening.

Marriage is and will always be a sacred institution becasue it was established by God in the Garden of Paradise with Adam and Eve. It's man (the modern State) who commands marriages be declared null and void by divorce and ultimately perverts the institution of marriage.

So you agree that the institute of marriage is already perverted by allowing divorce.  So why not allow gay marriage, or civil unions if the word marriage bothers you?

The family is the firstmost fundamental and essential institution created by God. It bases are the sexual affection between a man and a woman and their nurturing relationship to any children their conjugal union produces. Becasue the body parts don't fit, homosexuals can't produce children.

I still don't see how this impacts the stability of the family.  So what if they can't produce their own children, aren't their plenty of kids out there who need to be adopted into loving homes?  What makes them unfit parents?

The meaning of marriage and family isn't something that each new generation is free to redefine. Marriage is defined by God and a wise society will do all it can to protect marriage as its always been understood. Stray from God's design and trouble, unhappiness, disorder and chaos ensues.

What about those of us who don't believe in god?  Why are we to be bound by your rules?

As far as nature is concerned, since the body parts don't fit, homosexuality is unnatural.

How can you argue that something that occurs in nature is unnatural?  By definition if it happens in nature it is natural.

As far as chimpanzees, in the wild, homosexuality is an exception to normal behavior. Now, in varying degrees, all living beings can adapt to circumstances and the times we most often see chimpanzees acting out homosexuality is when they are confined to zoos. Isn't the homosexuality rate much higher when people are confined to prisons?

Wrong, just plain wrong.  I have seen video footage from multiple studies done (shown on the discovery channel) where they saw chimps in the wild having sex with members of the same-sex all the time.  In fact it appeared that the only reason they had heterosexual sex was to procreate, otherwise they has sex with members of the same sex.

And rightly so. Since society's survival is tied to a thriving family firmly established in marriage, justice requires it.

Last time I checked we have absolutely problems with low population growth and overflowing orphanages so this is just not true.

So now the argument is that the sin here in Genesis is not homosexuality per se, but rape..violence forcing sexual activity. Could be for don't the men after being rebuffed by Lot fully intend to brutilize Lot's guests? Bottom line is they were homosexuals who wanted sex with Lot's visitors.

Homosexuals are not all rapists and not all rapists are homosexual so to draw that conculsion is absurd.  What does it matter if they were homosexuals or not, if you want to interpret sex from this I would have to agree with Leauki that what they are trying to do here is rape which I would agree is a sin (if I were religious).

on Mar 06, 2009

I really must have rode the short bus . . but I fail to see how a Christian story relates to the topic.I mean . . it's sorta interesting . . but not really pertinent to the conversation, is it?  Is the arguement now that a god said homosexual sex is bad?  That makes your disagreement with same-sex marriage OK?  The government *should* be involved?Let me rephrase for my own clarity and you can fill in:"The state and federal governments should be involed in and prevent same-sex holy matrimony/marriages/civil unions because ____________________"


The state and federal governments should be involed in and prevent same-sex holy matrimony/marriages/civil unions because ____________________Should NOT be anymore involved than allowing Homosexual Marriage the same as Heterosexual Marriage. Equal rights. Period.

Two people in a bed is already a crowd....I wouldn't want the Federal/State Gov'ts. in addition.

on Mar 06, 2009

Those who interpret Genesis and see the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah as one of inhospitality rather than of homosexuality are looking at it through smoke and mirrors. Sodom and Gomorrah weren't destroyed for inhospitality. This is typical way of explaining away of an embarrassing biblical passage to fit the modern homosexualist, hedonist agenda.

Leauki posts:

Can you explain in detail please how the Talmudists of the second century and Rabbi Nachmanides of the 13th century were influenced by or hoping to advance the "modern homosexualist, hedonist agenda"?

Again, same-sex "marriage" is part of the homosexualists offensive to impose a moral revolution. The homosexual movement is attempting to make the immoral moral. The only thing today that stands in the way is Christianity.  In order for the homosexualists to acheive their goal and shatter religious opposition to homosexuality, they must cast liberal teachings against traditional teachings of Christianity. 

It has always been known through Natural Law, the Biblical record, as well as the writings of the Church Fathers that the cities were burned with fire from Heaven becasue of the sin of homosexuality. This has always been clear and the only way around this obstacle is to find theologians and writers influenced who change the focus of the chastisement from sodomy to other sins. In this way they dilute or deny the gravity of unnatural vice as one of the "sins that cries out to Heaven for vengence." Gen. 19:13.

Hebraic, (biblical) Judaism certainly condemned sodomy and there is no merit whatsoever for the Talmudists to teach Sodom was punished for inhospitality (as you claim).








on Mar 06, 2009

The homosexual movement is attempting to make the immoral moral.

Morality is subjective.  What is moral to you may be immoral to another, and vice versa.

The mormon's once taught that slavery and/or segregation was justified because their religious text said it was, did that make slavery and/or segregation right?  They have since changed their ways, but it took a while.

This is the same kind of thing.


on Mar 06, 2009

Leviticus refers a lot of things as abominations, not just homosexuality. It claims that eating shellfish is an abomination for example.

really?  Where?  Funny El-D you seem to know so much about scripture that you don't read. 

We can leave it at that. I am, when it comes down to it, a literalist, and KFC and Lula tend to interpret more and read metaphors into the text. I don't know who is right, but I prefer a religion in which hospitality is regarded as more of a virtue than homosexuality is regarded as a sin.

No Leauki.  Wrong.  I'm about as literal as they come and this passage taken literally reads pretty simply.  You're making it much harder by reading into it what you want to read into it.  In fact in all my years of studying the bible I've never ever heard it interpreted the way you bring up.  I've read Genesis probably at least 50 times over the last 40 years and studied it at length at least half that amount. 

sorry for being a bit late... but sodom and gemorrah? come on people, you have to be retarded to think this was about homosexuality... God wasn't even gonna do anything until after they tried to gang rape a pair of angels (who also happened to be guests, I guess rape is against the laws of hospitality)

well you just contradicted yourself.  You're saying that it has nothing to do with homosexuality but yet you admit that the men of the town wanted to have (rough) sex with male angels?  Isn't that a contradiction?  And we're retarded?  On top of that I find it quite amazing how dogmatic you are and how knowledgable about this subject you are when you already admitted you hadn't read the passage in what...20 years?  Quite interesting.....you're making my head hurt.  Yet I just got done reading Genesis (month of January) and I know not what I'm talking about? 

Also . . in regards to parts not fitting; I do not believe that a marriage or civil union requiers sex. I hope that my grandparents are done with that part of their lives (ewww) but are still married. Right?

You are very naive when it comes to your grandparents......believe me grandparents have sex!  I "know" that for sure. 

Why don't you ask them and get back to us? 

on Mar 06, 2009

This is the same kind of thing.

no, one does not choose to be a slave....but one does choose whom to have sex with. 



on Mar 06, 2009

Who has that one truth?

1. G-d, the Creator of the world Who refrains from giving us proof for even His existence let alone the exact mechanism of His doing.

God has the truth.  And he's given us plenty of proof.  His fingerprints are everywhere.  But that's another subject and getting off the trail. 

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