I must be missing something. I know I'm not supposed to use logic when dealing with teh feds . . but can someone with a bigger brain help me out?
Fact: $700US was legislated to bail out the banks.
Assumed (by me): that this was near the amount needed to avert the crisis
Fact: the President and the Treasury want to use some of this money to bail out the auto industry
- Did Congress approve more than was the minimum needed?
- Did the banks end up not needing so much?
- Is there any oversight over how the money has been/will be spent?
- Has there been any benefit to the end-users yet?
- Is it right for the treasury to allocate funds for the automakers after Congress failed to pass new legislation to do so?
It makes me sick how my money is being mispent. I'm one of the responsible ones. I spend less than I make. I have a fixed rate mortgage on my house. I own my cars. I don't have a credit card. Why can't the government act AT LEAST as responsibly as me? They have the biggest brains ever, right?